We make good care better

"At the center of medicine there is always a human relationship between a patient and a doctor."
Michael Balint

The American Balint Society

The American Balint Society is a thriving, vital force in American medical education and the Balint Group method is applied in other professional domains as well (veterinary medicine, psychotherapy, education, pastoral care, collaborative law). We are proud of the quality of our leadership training and outreach activities, and invite your inquiries into our many programs.  We are affiliated with the International Balint Federation and provide support to developing Balint Groups throughout the country.

Prior to the founding of the American Balint Society in 1990, medical educators at various programs throughout the United states offered Balint Groups based on their own understanding of the teachings of Michael and Enid Balint. With the guidance of clinicians who had worked directly with Michael and Enid Balint, the American Balint Society was created in order to define an overarching perspective on Balint Group structure and process. The Intensive Leadership Training program was established to support Balint Group leaders at all levels of participation. These range from an introductory overview to the possibility of becoming a credentialed leader through the ABS.

In addition to Intensive Leadership Trainings that occur twice a year in different locations across the country, the American Balint Society offers online Balint groups, onsite leadership trainings for institutions, the Balint Group Leader Education Fellowship, Credentialed Leader Training, ongoing support to Balint Group leaders, and a biennial national meeting to share studies and perspectives on Balint Groups.

Balint Group supports professionals in gaining insight and empathy for both the patient and themselves, which makes their practices less lonely, more satisfying and more effective.


The American Balint Society strives to:

• Develop & Support professionals who lead or are members of Balint groups

• Promote & Encourage increased participation in Balint group work

• Teach & Study the nature, use and effectiveness of Balint groups


The vision of the American Balint Society is for relationships of profound trust, such as those between physicians and patients, to grow in respect and healing power. Utilizing the empathy fostered through creative engagement with trusted peers in a safe environment, clinicians can improve their understanding of both themselves and others, so that patients and clients are increasingly heard, supported and empowered to become healthier and happier.

Diversity Statement:

Be it resolved that diversity and inclusiveness within the American Balint Society (ABS) are essential to meeting the ABS’s vision of relationships of profound trust between and among health care professionals and their patients/clients. The ABS envisions clinicians' improving their understanding of themselves and others so that they and their patients/clients are heard, supported, and empowered in caring for their health. Diversity in ABS leadership and membership is fundamental to this understanding.

Be it resolved that our commitment to explore and enhance empathy, the core of Balint training, requires a similar commitment to diversity and inclusiveness within the organization and in all activities of the organization. ABS is committed to reflecting the diversity present in the communities we serve in both its leadership and membership. We can only be what we aspire to be through engagement and embracing diversity and inclusiveness in all that we do.